Ramatana Champa - Golden Champa Tree

Ramatana Champa - Golden Champa Tree

Ochna obtusata


Scientific Classification

Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Angiospermae
Class: Dicotyledonae
Order: Malphigiales
Family: Ochnaceae
Genus: Ochna
Species: O.obtusata
Scientific Name: Ochna obtusata DC.

Common Names:
English: Golden champa.
Hindi: Ramdhan champak.
Kannada: Ramatana champaka.


  1. Habit and Habitat: A woody small tree with terrestrial habitat.
  2. Distribution: Native to East India. Also distributed in South Africa, Western Ghats, and Maharashtra.
  3. Morphology:
    Leaf: Simple, alternate, stipulate with long petioles.
    Inflorescence: Axillary or lateral racemes.
    Flower: yellow in colour, pedicels upto 2.5cm long.
    Androceium: Stamens many, anthers long.
    Fruit: A drupe.
    Seeds: Bright red seed cup initially green, but turn jet black later.
  4. Propagation: By seeds and wood cuttings.
  5. Importance: Drought tolerant. The bark decoction is used as a tonic. Used in treatment of asthama, diarrhoea and menstrual disorder. The paste of stem is applied on boils.
  6. Location: Botanical Garden.

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