Jamun - Java plum

Jamun - Java plum

Syzygium cumini


Scientific Classification

Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: magnolipsida
Order: myrtales
Family: Myrtaceae
Genus: Syzygium
Species: S.cumini
Scientific Name: Syzygium cumini.

Common names
English : Java plum, Black plum.
Hindi: Jamun, Jambol, Jambul.
Kannada: Nerale.
Marathi: Jaman, Jambul.


  1. Habit and Habitat: Terrestria, Evergreen tropical tree with white exfoliate bark.
  2. Distribution: It is native to Indian subcontinent and adjoining parts of southeast Asia. Distributed all over Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal, Sri lanka, Malaysia, Philippines and Indonesia.
  3. Morphology:
    Leaf: : Opposite, gland-dotted, coriaceous, oval or elliptic-oblong, acute intramarginal nerve present, extipulate.
    Inflorescence: Panicled cymes.
    Flowers: Greenish-white, scented. Calyx funnel-shaped. Petals 4 forming a calyptra, deciduous.
    Androecium: Stamens indefinite, many seriate, filaments filiform, anthers versatile.
    Gynoecium: Ovary inferior, 2-celled, ovules many, style filiform.
    Fruit: a juicy purple berry with calyx remains at the apex, ovoid shaped, 1-seeded.
    Seeds: seeds are recalcitrant and do not dry or store well. May be planted loose together as wind break.
    Flowering and Fruiting time: February-April.
  4. Propagation: By seed, stem cutting.
  5. Importance:
    a. Cultivated mainly for its edible fruits.
    b. The seed powder is used in diabetes with good results.
    c. Wood is used for agricultural implements, pots, carts, boats etc.
    d. Used for the treatment of sore throat, bronchitis, asthma, thirst, biliousness, dysentery and ulcers.
    e. Natural blood purifier due to richness of iron.
  6. Location: avenue,playground,hostel surrounding,library-gymkhana.

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