Karanj - Pongam Tree

Karanj - Pongam Tree

Pongamia pinnata


Scientific Classification

Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnolipsida
Order: Fabales
Family: Fabaceae
Genus: Pongamia
Species: P.pinnata
Scientific Name: Pongamia pinnata(L.) Pierre

Common names
English : Indian Beech Tree, Pongam Tree, Pongame Oil Tree.
Hindi: Karanj.
Kannada: Honge.
Marathi: Karanj.


  1. Habit and Habitat: A deciduous tree which grows up to 50-80ft tall with wide spread canopy having grey brown bark, bark is smooth or vertically fissured.
  2. Distribution: Native in tropical and temperate Asia including parts of Indian subcontinent , China, Japan, Malaysia, Australia and Pacific islands.
  3. Morphology:
    Leaf: : leaflets 5-9, opposite, ovate-oblong, acute, stipules long.
    Inflorescence: Axillary racemes.
    Flowers: white or purplish, bracteoles ovate. Calyx campanulate, purlish, corolla pinkish-white, standard suborbicular, wings obliquely oblong, keel obtuse.
    Androecium: stamens 10, monadelphous, anthers versatile.
    Gynoecium: Ovary 2-ovuled, style incurved.
    Fruit: Pod obliquely-oblong, compressed woody, 1-seeded.
    Seeds: Bean-like brownish-red seeds, are with a brittle, oily coat and are unpatable to herbivoroes.
    Flowering and Fruiting time: February -June.
  4. Propagation: By stem cutting.
  5. Importance:
    a.Planted on roads as a shade plant. The seeds yield an oil which is very useful in skin diseases, eczema.

  6. Location: library-gymkhana,Parking area.

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