Markhamia Tree

Markhamia Tree

Markhamia lutea


Scientific Classification

Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Angiospermae
Class: Dicotyledonae
Order: Lamiales
Family: Bignoniaceae
Genus: Markhamia
Species: M.lutea
Scientific Name: Markhamia lutea (Benth.) K.Schum.

Common Names:
English: Markhamia, siala.


  1. Habit & Habitat: Markhamialutea is an upright evergreen tree 10-15m high with a narrow irregular crown and long taproot. Markhamia lutea occurs naturally in evergreen forest, riverine forest, forest edges and wooded savanna, at 600–2400 m altitude.
  2. Distribution: Occurs from côteď lvoire east to Kenya and south to DR congo and Tanzania.It is commonly planted in some regions within its distribution area particularly Kenya, Ugandaand Tanzania, and sometimes elsewhere.
  3. Morphology:
    Leaf: compound, often in branches thin, and wavy, each leaflet up to 10cm, wider. At the tip, often with round outgrowth at the base.
    Inflorescence: flowers in terminal clusters or a terminal panical up to 20cm long and wide.
    Flower: flowers are trumpet shaped, yellow in colour, with orange - reddish spots. In the throat .They measure 5-6 cm in length. Calyx is spathe -shaped, covered with small Scales. Corrolla-Golden yellow, with brownish purple or red veins or spots at the throat, With tube, 2lipped and 5 lobed limb, lobes long, wide and glandular.
    Androecium: 4 stamen, 2longer and 2 shorter, instead on the corolla tube.
    Gynoecium: ovary superior, oblong, 2 Celled, style 2-2.5 cm long.
    Fruit: fruit is a capsule of up to 70 cm in length, with abundant winged seeds.
    Flowering: Feb. –April.
    Fruiting: March-May.
    Seeds: seed with transparent wings, 2.5 cm long and yellow-whitish when mature.
  4. Propagation: through seed.
  5. Importance:
    It is resistance to diluted acids and can be use for fermentation tanks, tubs and barrels. It is also used as firewood and for charcoal production. Leaves are used for the treatment of snakebites. The wood is used for light construction, often as round-wood, joinery furniture - cabinet work, postspoles,implements walking sticks, beehives,paddles,tool. Handles and props for crops.
  6. Location: botanical garden, sports ground, campus avenue.

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