Sitaphal - Custard Apple
Annona squamosa
Scientific Classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Angiosperms
Class : Dicotyledonae
Order : Magnoliales
Family: Annonaceae
Genus : Annona
Species : A.squamosa
Common names
English: Sugar apple, Custard apple
Hindi: Sharifa, Sitaphal
Kannada: Sitaphala
Marathi: Sitaphal
- Habit and Habitat: A small tree. Cultivated.
- Distribution: Native to the tropical Americas and West Indies, but the exact origin is unknown. Most widely cultivated species of annona, being grown for its fruit throughout the tropics and warmer sub-tropicssuch as Indonesia, Thailand and Taiwan, introduced to Southern Asia before 1590,florida(US) Bahia in Brazil and Bangladesh.
- Morphology:
Leaf: Simple, alternate, exstipulate, oblanceolate, entire, obtuse.
Infloroscence: Axillary, 2 or more flowers arise in axil of leaf.
Flower: Bracteate, complete, hermaphrodite, actinomorphic, trimerous, hypogynous. Calyx – 3 sepals, gamosepalous, valvate. Corolla – 3 petals, polypetalous, valvate, pale-yellow.
Androceium: Stamens numerous, arranged spirally over a conical receptacle, filaments short, anthers appendaged.
Gynoceium: polycarpellary, apocarpous, superior, spirally arranged, one ovule in each carpel, basal Placentationstyle short, stigma tapering and papilose.
Fruit: An etario of berries.
Seeds: Smooth and blackish. - Propagation: By seeds.
- Importance: Fruit is edible, the bruished leaves are used for Destroying worms bred in sores.
- Location: Play ground.
Flowere of India
Indian Biodiversity